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[C65]⇒ Libro Gratis Fireside The Path of Ashes Book 2 edition by Brian Parker Phalanx Press Aurora Dewater Literature Fiction eBooks

Fireside The Path of Ashes Book 2 edition by Brian Parker Phalanx Press Aurora Dewater Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : Fireside The Path of Ashes Book 2 edition by Brian Parker Phalanx Press Aurora Dewater Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF Fireside The Path of Ashes Book 2  edition by Brian Parker Phalanx Press Aurora Dewater Literature  Fiction eBooks

Post-nuclear war America is a dangerous place. Mutated animals and deadly plants kill within seconds, while marauding gangs threaten to wipe out what’s left of humanity.

Aeric Traxx, given the name after months of torture at the hands of the Vultures left him hideously scarred, leads the city of San Angelo through these troublesome times as diseases decimate the population and acid rains make the soil virtually unusable for the first few years after the war.

The residents of the city are barely surviving in the harsh west Texas wastelands, but in a rare stroke of luck, Traxx finds an engineer who helps to convert the engines of the city’s construction equipment to steam power, allowing them to build full-sized walls for defense and power their vehicles for patrols outside of the fences. They’re learning to fight back against the evils of the wastes and to grow crops so they can supplement their poor diets.

However, the Vultures aren’t finished with Traxx. Their hatred of the man’s past actions has festered through the years. They’ve infiltrated San Angelo and have a plan to destroy his beloved city. If successful, the gang’s move will irrevocably shift the power in the region and could cause the extinction of humanity.

Fireside The Path of Ashes Book 2 edition by Brian Parker Phalanx Press Aurora Dewater Literature Fiction eBooks

What a great follow up to A Path of Ashes book!

This book takes place over several years and is written so well that the jumps in time glide together seamlessly. The survivors must deal with not only the environment and animals around them changing due to the after affects of the war, but also some of their fellow survivors around them are a bit different now too. Also unfortunately for Aeric Traxx the Vultures are not quiet finished with him yet and decisions need to be made and how they are going to be neutralized.

There is plenty of action, adventure and heart pounding moments in this which make for a fantastic read.

Best to start reading this when you know you have nothing else to do as you really wont want to put it down!

Product details

  • File Size 2731 KB
  • Print Length 300 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Phalanx Press (November 11, 2015)
  • Publication Date November 11, 2015
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Fireside The Path of Ashes Book 2  edition by Brian Parker Phalanx Press Aurora Dewater Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : Fireside (The Path of Ashes Book 2) - Kindle edition by Brian Parker, Phalanx Press, Aurora Dewater. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Fireside (The Path of Ashes Book 2).,ebook,Brian Parker, Phalanx Press, Aurora Dewater,Fireside (The Path of Ashes Book 2),Phalanx Press,Fiction Action & Adventure,Fiction Science Fiction Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic
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Fireside The Path of Ashes Book 2 edition by Brian Parker Phalanx Press Aurora Dewater Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

Aeric Traxx’s story is continued to be told by future generations. This part of his story is set when he becomes the mayor of San Angelo. And, the Vultures are still bringing terror down on anyone who tries to go against them.

Parker’s second novel in The Path of Ashes series, Fireside, shows how Aeric becomes the leader of his people and sets about to fortify the city from raiders. Since he is the only person to have ever survived the Vultures, he must be ever vigilant to them mounting an attack on his city.

It is during this part of the story that paranormal activity is introduced. While that is not my cup of tea, I did not let it distract from my overall enjoyment of the tale.

4 out of 5 stars.
Love the apocalypse, but this one had some real violent stuff in it. I could do without some of the details. Still, I read the first two in the series and bought the third, but I haven't read it yet.
Scary to think the events in these books could come to pass.

We need to be prepared in case something like this happens.
Great story. Loved the characters and the story line. Makes one think , could I survive after something of this magnitude.
Brian Parker continues to provide excellent, post-apocalyptic entertainment. I couldn't put the book down and had to force myself to make it last for three days rather than finish it the first time I picked it up.
Sometimes the second book in a series isn't quite as good as the first. That isn't true here. Fireside was an amazing book and while I don't think it was better than the first it was just as good. I love the way the story is written as a tale told years later. I'm on to the 3rd book now. Again, I highly recommend this book too!.
This book has a little bit of a different feel than the first one, but in a good way. The way the story is told from a storyteller point of view intensifies this time, which only adds to it. There are some intriguing new characters and some surprising supernatural additions. This is definitely not for those with delicate sensitivities, but if you made it through the first one, you'll love this one!
What a great follow up to A Path of Ashes book!

This book takes place over several years and is written so well that the jumps in time glide together seamlessly. The survivors must deal with not only the environment and animals around them changing due to the after affects of the war, but also some of their fellow survivors around them are a bit different now too. Also unfortunately for Aeric Traxx the Vultures are not quiet finished with him yet and decisions need to be made and how they are going to be neutralized.

There is plenty of action, adventure and heart pounding moments in this which make for a fantastic read.

Best to start reading this when you know you have nothing else to do as you really wont want to put it down!
Ebook PDF Fireside The Path of Ashes Book 2  edition by Brian Parker Phalanx Press Aurora Dewater Literature  Fiction eBooks

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